Written by: Jen Silverman
Dir: Amy King
Written by: Brandon Jacob-Jenkins
Dir: Rudy Ramirez
Academic Work
Introduction to Play Analysis
Sergio Costola
A theatre course exploring various critical approaches to Western written texts intended for the stage, in order to help students to develop the ability to analyze and evaluate a variety of scripts in terms of form (structure and tone) and style. Students will read some of the most important realistic plays and also examples of departures from realism during the twentieth century. The course is intended to familiarize students with a critical practice attentive to theatre as a material institution, rather than focusing solely on the play-text.
Theatre for Young Audiences
Cliff Miller
This course provides an overview of the theory and practice of theatre created with and for audiences of children, adolescents and/or families. We will examine the historical contexts of theatre for young audiences, read plays that represent the “canon” of TYA, and read plays working to disrupt and expand theatre for young audiences. In addition, we will explore differing perceptions of childhood and storytelling by analyzing fairy tales, myths, and fables and produce creative projects in response to these stories.
Amy King
This course aims to teach students about playwriting. We will learn about playwriting by studying plays with different structures, contents, genres, and writers, but most importantly by WRITING. We will approach writing head-on, without fear of failure. Additionally, we will learn through the process of giving and receiving feedback on our work. In addition, the course will introduce students to other forms of writing, such as TV writing, continuous, academic, etc. This course aims to be an inclusive lab for students to practice writing in a brave, supported space, where risk, failure, and success are all intertwined.